Roger Magrini // 3D Artist



  • What it's like to enter the industry freshly trained
  • The work opportunities available for someone still developing their portfolio and skillset
  • Where and how to learn 3D sculpting. Teaser: you never stop learning!
  • How every experience you have in life can shape your artistic practice.
Art Heroes Podcast ep.46:
Roger Magrini // 3D Artist
Listen to the episode now:
Who is it
Roger Magrini, originally a Biologist and Photographer, left all of that behind to follow his heart and pursue a career in 3D character art. After spending years honing his skill in 3D, as a post grad whilst feeling his years in university had been wasted, he actually found that his time as portrait photographer had given him a unique style and edge that he could bring to 3D art. Today, Rodger spends his days turning his photographic portraits into 3D full body characters whilst developing his tech and artistic skills.

Why should you listen
Listen to discover how to survive a pandemic as a newbie 3D artist. Learn how to adapt your skill set and style for the different types of work available. Rodger shares his top tips for those looking for a change in career, a little bit later in life.
About Roger Magrini
Roger Magrini, originally a Biologist and Photographer, left all of that behind to follow his heart and pursue a career in 3D character art. After spending years honing his skill in 3D, as a post grad whilst feeling his years in university had been wasted, he actually found that his time as portrait photographer had given him a unique style and edge that he could bring to 3D art. Today, Rodger spends his days turning his photographic portraits into 3D full body characters whilst developing his tech and artistic skills.

Listen to discover how to survive a pandemic as a newbie 3D artist. Learn how to adapt your skill set and style for the different types of work available. Rodger shares his top tips for those looking for a change in career, a little bit later in life.
"Likeness is a good thing to showcase that you know stuff because likeness takes a huge amount of time and to see the subtleties of the form."
"I had teachers from online courses, and I had mentorships that helped a lot. Mentors and courses, of course, the guys really know what they're doing, like they have had previous mistakes. So, they can pass it on to you, like I made this mistake and that mistake and asking around."
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    Building a career, a business and a lifestyle.
    Becoming your own hero.
    Art Heroes Podcast is the show to help you thrive as a digital artist, where we share tips, stories and strategies from other amazing 2D and 3D artists from videogames, advertising, CG, VFX, VR, and other industries, from all over the world. Art Heroes' goal is to inspire and give actionable tips that will help you to make your passion into a career and make the most out of your talent and skills.

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